What Jobs Can You Pursue With an MSN MBA Dual Degree from Southern Utah University?

Healthcare professionals need business skills, and business professionals in any healthcare-related field must understand healthcare. The two sets of skills tie closely together, and professionals with a combination of skills in both areas are in high demand. In fact, according to a healthcare business consultant, “Effective business leadership in healthcare is not just desirable; it is indispensable for the success and sustainability of healthcare organizations.”

The online Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in Leadership and Administration and Master of Business Administration (MBA) Dual Degree program from Southern Utah University (SUU) offers a powerful combination of healthcare leadership and business knowledge. This unique program provides graduates with the skills and expertise to work in the healthcare industry, opening doors to a variety of rewarding career paths.

In-Demand Healthcare Management Roles

The online MSN in Leadership and Administration and MBA Dual Degree program prepares graduates for several leadership positions within healthcare organizations. Here’s a closer look at five of these roles:

  1. Director of Nursing. These professionals are responsible for providing leadership and direction for nursing staff, overseeing patient care operations and ensuring compliance with regulations. The blend of clinical knowledge and business skills are important for managing budgets, staffing and the overall nursing department. According to ZipRecruiter, the median annual salary for this role is $108,675.
  2. Director of Clinical Services. Focused on optimizing patient care delivery, directors of clinical services oversee clinical staff; develop and implement clinical protocols; and ensure hospitals, clinics or long-term care facilities provide the highest quality of care. The MSN gives graduates an in-depth understanding of clinical practices, while the MBA provides the business knowledge to manage resources and ensure cost-effectiveness. The national average salary for the role is approximately $82,179.
  3. Director of Care Management. Directors of care management create and manage patient care plans, coordinating services across various situations. The role uses clinical understanding and project and resource allocation skills. They work closely with healthcare providers, insurance companies and patients to develop and implement care plans. The average salary for the role is $261,499 per year.
  4. Director of Compliance. Making sure healthcare facilities follow federal and state regulations is very important, and directors of compliance play a crucial role. They create and carry out compliance programs, conduct audits and provide training to staff regarding compliance issues. This role is essential for maintaining the legal standing of the healthcare facility by addressing any compliance concerns right away. The MSN provides a strong foundation in healthcare regulations, while the MBA educates graduates with risk management and the legal understanding that’s important for this role. A compliance director’s average yearly salary is $128,297.
  5. Certified Nurse Educator. A certified nurse educator (CNE) is a registered nurse with advanced training who teaches the next generation of nurses. They develop curricula, deliver lectures and clinical instruction, and guide students. CNEs play an important part in ensuring future nurses have the knowledge to provide safe and effective patient care. A CNE can make $97,902 per year.

Unlocking Career Versatility With a Dual MSN MBA Degree

Southern Utah University’s online MSN in Leadership and Administration and MBA Dual Degree program enables graduates to pursue diverse careers. The combined knowledge of healthcare leadership and business administration opens doors to roles beyond traditional healthcare settings. Some examples include healthcare consultant, healthcare policy analyst and healthcare project manager.

The healthcare industry needs leaders who have not only a deep understanding of clinical practices but also a strong foundation in business principles. Business knowledge from the MBA enables graduates to manage budgets, analyze data and make critical decisions for leading healthcare organizations. The clinical expertise from the MSN degree provides an understanding of patient care needs, healthcare regulations and practical approaches to patient care.

Southern Utah University’s program is a perfect way for nurses to advance their careers. It provides a way to work in leadership roles in healthcare settings and beyond.

Learn more about SUU’s online MSN in Leadership and Administration and MBA Dual Degree program.

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