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Shelley Toole Sanderson

Professor of Nursing

"The program will give the rigor you need to build strong assessment and care muscles for your nursing education."

Degrees Held:

  • MSN – University of Utah, 2005
  • BSN – Weber State University, 1999

Career Highlights:

  • Nurse practitioner in clinical practice 2005-present
  • Professor of nursing at SUU in nursing fundamentals and med surg clinicals, 2009-2016

In which online degree program do you teach?

  • What do you teach online?

    Holistic nursing

  • What do you want students in your courses to learn? What is the learning outcome or objective?

    The coursework in this program:

    Prepares nurses to meet the holistic needs of clients

    Prepares nurses to understand and apply bio/psyco/socio/spiritual care

    Helps nurses define and apply care in regard to spiritual needs

    Helps nurses define and use skills in assessment, intervention and referral for holistic needs

  • Why did you start teaching?

    I started teaching because I love helping nurses see the benefits of good care. I love nursing myself and would like to impart that to learners.

  • What advice would you give to those considering the online RN to BSN program?

    The program will give the rigor you need to build strong assessment and care muscles for your nursing education.

  • What qualities make someone particularly successful in nursing?

    Internal commitment, an understanding heart and genuine care for patients, and a good work ethic

  • What do you think are the biggest challenges that people in nursing face today?

    Time restraints, economical factors and access to care, and too much information coupled perhaps with a lack of scientific information

  • What is the one book you think everyone should read?

    To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

  • Tell us something interesting about yourself that your students might not know.

    I LOVE the Beatles.

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